Google+ iPhone 6 to have eye scanner ~ Priyam5000

Sunday 15 December 2013

iPhone 6 to have eye scanner

Since the release of the iPhone 5s with the amazing ToichID feature, many companies from then have been releasing smartphones with similar technology. But now we have the iPhone 6 video that shows some eye scanner spec.

The basic concept behind iPhone 6 eye scanner would be an advancely built scanner that when brought close to the eye, scans the user eye across the retina.
This would enable every person to be distinct and thus allow only the administrator to unlock their device. It's not just an Impossible job for Apple, but also a challenge to then after their historic introduction of the TouchID technology.

It is most likely that this feature would not only allow the user to merely just unlock the device but also use this features as a complementary aid to sign-in to the iTunes or while buying applications from the Apple App Store.

The expectations are however near impossible even though the introduction of the TouchID was a big hit. The chances of having an eye scanner in the upcoming iPhone 6 is very less, but this there is big possibility such a technology could be introduced in the release of iPhone 7.


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